
Hi there!

Mosh redux course

內文提到的程式 / 檔案紀錄在 github 內: link


redux 架構

  • action: 是什麼動作,帶了什麼資料
      type: 'deposit' // 什麼動作
      payload: 10 // 附帶的資料
  • reducer: switch case 的 function,負責處理 action 的邏輯
  • dispatch: 派發給 action 給 reducer
  • store: 包含 state 以及 reducer,並在更新 state 後會通知 UI 重新渲染


  1. 建立 reducer,需要 currentState, action 作為參數,根據不同的 action types 來更新 store 中的 state 並回傳
  2. 建立 store,需要 reducer 作為參數,為主程式接口,負責處理主程式發出的 dispatch, subscribe, getState 等動作
  3. 主程式對 store 進行 dispatch, subscribe, getState 等動作

dispatch, subscribe, getState

dispatch: 根據不同的 action 來更新 store 中的 state
subscribe: 參數為一 function,代表當 store 中的 state 更新時,需要做的事情
getState: 獲得當前 store 中的 state



src folder:

  • index.js: 發出 dispatch, subscribe, getState 的檔案
  • reducer.js: 建立 reducer
  • store.js: 建立 store
  • customStore.js: 親手建立簡單版的 store 內部
  • actionTypes.js: 統一管理 reducer 處理的各種 action type,為 actionTypes 的接口
  • actionCreater.js: 協助送出 dispatch 的細節


使用 duck-pattern 的結構時,會把 actionCreater, actionTypes, reducer 三個檔案合併放在同一個檔案裡

src folder:
- bugs
- |-- actionTypes.js
- |-- actionCreater.js
- |-- reducer.js
+ bugs.js


介紹到的 redux extension

使用時要在 create store 加上參數:

const store = createStore(

參考: redux-devtools-extension

Redux Toolkit:

npm install @reduxjs/toolkit

使用 redux toolkit 可以幫助我們建立之前手動建立的 reduceractionTypes``、actionCreater 以及 createStore

createStore :

import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";

export default function () {
  // when use configureStore, we don't need to check redux devTool extension
  return configureStore({ reducer });


原本的 actionTypes + actionCreater > `createAction`: 
import { createAction, createReducer } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

// Action Creators + Action Types
export const bugAdded = createAction("bugAdded");
export const bugResolved = createAction("bugResolved");
export const bugRemoved = createAction("bugRemoved");

createActions 會根據我們傳入的 typeName 回傳一個 function,執行這個 function 並傳入 argument 會收到

  type: typeName,
  payload: {
    // your argument

原本的 reducer > createReducer:

export default createReducer([], {
  // actions: function (event => event handler)
  // added
  [bugAdded.type]: (bugs, action) => {
      id: ++lastId,
      description: action.payload.description,
      resolved: false,
  // resolved
  [bugResolved.type]: (bugs, action) => {
    const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
    bugs[index].resolved = true;
  // removed
  [bugRemoved.type]: (bugs, action) => {
    const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
    bugs.splice(index, 1);

也可以將三個合併再一起寫 (createAction + createReducer) > createSlice:

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

let lastId = 0;

const slice = createSlice({
  name: "bugs",
  initialState: [],
  reducers: {
    // actions => action handlers
    bugAdded: (bugs, action) => {
        id: ++lastId,
        description: action.payload.description,
        resolved: false,
    bugResolved: (bugs, action) => {
      const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
      bugs[index].resolved = true;
    bugRemoved: (bugs, action) => {
      const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
      bugs.splice(index, 1);

export const { bugAdded, bugResolved, bugRemoved } = slice.actions;
export default slice.reducer;

Multiple Reducers



建立多個 reducer 管理不同的 state,然後最後再將這些 reducer combine

import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import projectsReducer from "./projects";
import bugsReducer from "./bugs";

export default combineReducers({
  bugs: bugsReducer,
  projects: projectsReducer,


可以在每個 reducer slice 的檔案中增加 selector,幫助我們選擇特定的 state

// Selector
export const getUnresolvedBugs = (state) =>
  state.entities.bugs.filter((bug) => !bug.resolved);

利用套件 reselect 可以讓我們將 output 儲存起來,如果下一次 input 沒有變動的話,就使用上一次儲存的結果回傳

import { createSelector } from "reselect";
// Memoization
// when the input not change, use the output from the cache (do not recalculate)
// here we use "reselect" (npm install reselect)
export const getUnresolvedBugs = createSelector(
  (state) => state.entities.bugs, // output of this function will pass to the next function
  (bugs) => bugs.filter((bug) => !bugs.resolved) // if the parameter "bugs" do not change, the bug filter won't execute, will use the result from the cache


middleware 是我們從 dispatch 到 root reducer 的過程中所添加的程式

create Middleware

  1. 建立一個 middleware 資料夾 (使用這個名稱命名資料夾,資料夾 icon 會是不一樣的 ⚡)
  2. 建立 middleware 檔案

使用 currying 表示接收三個參數 ( store, next, action ) 的函數

// next: next is the reference to the "next middleware function",
// if this's the only middleware function we have, next is going
// to be the reducer that is going to handle this action
const logger = (store) => (next) => (action) => {
  console.log("store", store);
  console.log("next", next);
  console.log("action", action);

export default logger;
  1. 於 createStore 的檔案內,增加 middleware (middleware: array of middleware)
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
+ import logger from "./middleware/logger";

export default function () {
  return configureStore(
    { reducer, 
+      middleware: [logger] 

如果要在 middleware 傳入參數的話 (除了 store, next, action 的參數),在 store 前面再加一個 param,並在 createStore 中的 middleware 傳入參數

// in middleware file
const logger = (param) => (store) => (next) => (action) => {

export default logger;

// in createStore file
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import logger from "./middleware/logger";

export default function () {
  return configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [logger("my param")] });

Thunk middleware

平常我們 dispatch 時,我們只能 dispatch 一個 object,而 thunk middleware 就是透過 middleware 使我們達成 **”不僅可以 dispatch object,還可以 dispatch 一個 function”**。通常來說我們在製作一個 thunk middleware 時會需要傳 2 個參數,分別是 store 以及 getState,底下為自製一個 thunk middleware:

// middleware/func.js
const func = (store) => (next) => (action) => {
  // 如果 action type 是 function 的話,就執行這個 function 並傳入 dispaych 以及 getState
  if (typeof action === "function") action(store.dispatch, store.getState);
  // 不是 function 就繼續送往下一個 middleware
  else next(action);

export default func;

製作完 thunk middleware 後,將他加入至 store 中

// store/configureStore.js
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import func from "./middleware/func";

export default function () {
  return configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [func] });

除了上面自己做一個 thunk middleware,我們可以使用 redux-thun。如果我們專案是使用 redux toolkit 的話,只需要在 configureStore 中的 middleware 內加入 ...getDefaultMiddleware(),就可以使用他們做好的 thunk middleware。

// store/configureStore.js
import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
- import func from "./middleware/func";

export default function () {
  return configureStore({
-    middleware: [func]
+    middleware: [...getDefaultMiddleware()],

More about thunk: 讓你的Action能作更多 — Redux-Thunk

combine with API

將 middleware 結合發送 api:

  1. 建立 action ( createAction ) 負責統一處理 action type:
// store/api.js
import { createAction } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

export const apiRequest = createAction("apiRequest"); // 送出 api request 的 action
export const apiCallSuccess = createAction("apiCallSuccess"); // request success 的 action
export const apiCallFailed = createAction("apiCallFailed"); // request failed 的 action
  1. 建立 middleware,用來處理當我們從主程式收到 api dispatch 時要做的事情
// store/middleware/api.js
import axios from "axios";
import * as actions from "../api";

const api = (store) => (next) => async (action) => {
  // 如果送出的 action type 不是 apiRequest,那就送至下一個 middleware 並跳出
  if (action.type !== actions.apiRequest.type) {
  // action type 是 apiRequest,把接收到的 action payload 提取出來
  const { url, method, data, onSuccess, onError } = action.payload;
  // 將原 dispatch (apiRequest) 繼續送往下一個 middleware / reducer
  try {
    // 根據收到的 action payload,送出 request
    const response = await axios.request({
      baseURL: "http://localhost:9001/api",
    // 如果收到的 action payload 中沒特別設定 request success 的 action type 的話,就 dispatch 預設的 success action type
    // 如果有特別設定 request success 的 action type,就依內容送出 dispatch
    if (onSuccess) store.dispatch({ type: onSuccess, payload: response.data });
  } catch (error) {
    // request 失敗時,送出預設 error dispatch
    // 有特別設定 request error 的 action type,依內容送出 dispatch
    if (onError) store.dispatch({ type: onError, payload: error });

export default api;
  1. 將 middleware 加入至 store 內
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import toastify from "./middleware/toastify";
import api from "./middleware/api";

export default function () {
  // when use configureStore, we don't need to check redux devTool extension
  return configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [toastify, api] }); // 加入 api middleware
  1. 主程式送出 api dispatch
import configureStore from "./store/configureStore";
// 匯入統一接口的 api action type
import * as actions from "./store/api";

const store = configureStore();
    url: "/bugs",
// 上面的程式碼拆解如下:
// store.dispatch(
//   {
//     type: apiRequest.type,
//     payload: {
//       url: "/bugs"
//     }
//   }
// )

( 後續程式碼還有再增加 loading 以及 cache feature,完整版直接看 src folder 內程式 )

Testing Redux Application

Automated Testing

  • Uni tests
  • Integration tests
  • End-to-end tests

Uni test: test the application without its external dependencies. (fast)
Integration test: slower than uni test, but give us more confidence.
End-to-end test: the most slowest, simple break the UI will break severals end-to-end test.

Use Extension

  1. install
npm install jest @types/jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-jest --save-dev
  1. create babel.config.json in root folder (cool file icon ⚡)
// in babel.config.json
    "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"],
    "plugins": []
  1. create tests folder to store spec file

  2. create testname.spec.js in test folder ( 在名稱裡面有 spec 的,通常來說是一個 test file )

  3. 在 package.json 加入:

"scripts": {
  "start": "webpack-dev-server --config ./webpack.config.js",
+  "test": "jest"
  1. 執行 npm run test

( npx jest --coverage 會建立 coverage 資料夾,可以打開 index.html 看哪些檔案被測試涵蓋 )

create test file

常使用到的 function:

  • describe (name, fn): 一系列的測試,像是一個 folder 名叫 name 的感覺
  • it (name, fn): 一個名叫 name 測試
  • expect(thing) 後面加 toBe(), toHaveLength(), toEqual(), toContainEqual
import { isEven } from "./math";

// define a group of test
describe("isEven", () => {
  // define a test: it (testName, testFunction)
  it("sould return true if given an even number", () => {
    // Function under test (SUT)
    const result = isEven(2);

  it("sould return false if given an odd number", () => {
    const result = isEven(1);

Unit test: solitary test && social test

solitary test 測試單一檔案是否有正常運作,social test 測試多個檔案合起來有沒有正常,而這些都屬於 unit test

solitary test 可能會因為太 detail,所以一個小改動 test 就出現錯誤

solitary test demo: link

social test demo: link

Testing File 最後完成版: link

— Jan 22, 2022