內文提到的程式 / 檔案紀錄在 github 內: link
type: 'deposit' // 什麼動作
payload: 10 // 附帶的資料
, subscribe
, getState
, subscribe
, getState
等動作dispatch: 根據不同的 action 來更新 store 中的 state
subscribe: 參數為一 function
,代表當 store 中的 state 更新時,需要做的事情
getState: 獲得當前 store 中的 state
: 發出 dispatch, subscribe, getState 的檔案reducer.js
: 建立 reducerstore.js
: 建立 storecustomStore.js
: 親手建立簡單版的 store 內部actionTypes.js
: 統一管理 reducer 處理的各種 action type,為 actionTypes 的接口actionCreater.js
: 協助送出 dispatch 的細節使用 duck-pattern 的結構時,會把 actionCreater, actionTypes, reducer 三個檔案合併放在同一個檔案裡
src folder:
- bugs
- |-- actionTypes.js
- |-- actionCreater.js
- |-- reducer.js
+ bugs.js
介紹到的 redux extension
使用時要在 create store 加上參數:
const store = createStore(
Redux Toolkit:
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
使用 redux toolkit 可以幫助我們建立之前手動建立的 reducer
以及 createStore
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
export default function () {
// when use configureStore, we don't need to check redux devTool extension
return configureStore({ reducer });
原本的 actionTypes + actionCreater > `createAction`:
import { createAction, createReducer } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
// Action Creators + Action Types
export const bugAdded = createAction("bugAdded");
export const bugResolved = createAction("bugResolved");
export const bugRemoved = createAction("bugRemoved");
會根據我們傳入的 typeName
回傳一個 function,執行這個 function 並傳入 argument
type: typeName,
payload: {
// your argument
原本的 reducer > createReducer
export default createReducer([], {
// actions: function (event => event handler)
// added
[bugAdded.type]: (bugs, action) => {
id: ++lastId,
description: action.payload.description,
resolved: false,
// resolved
[bugResolved.type]: (bugs, action) => {
const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
bugs[index].resolved = true;
// removed
[bugRemoved.type]: (bugs, action) => {
const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
bugs.splice(index, 1);
也可以將三個合併再一起寫 (createAction
+ createReducer
) > createSlice
import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
let lastId = 0;
const slice = createSlice({
name: "bugs",
initialState: [],
reducers: {
// actions => action handlers
bugAdded: (bugs, action) => {
id: ++lastId,
description: action.payload.description,
resolved: false,
bugResolved: (bugs, action) => {
const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
bugs[index].resolved = true;
bugRemoved: (bugs, action) => {
const index = bugs.findIndex((bug) => bug.id === action.payload.id);
bugs.splice(index, 1);
export const { bugAdded, bugResolved, bugRemoved } = slice.actions;
export default slice.reducer;
建立多個 reducer 管理不同的 state,然後最後再將這些 reducer combine
import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import projectsReducer from "./projects";
import bugsReducer from "./bugs";
export default combineReducers({
bugs: bugsReducer,
projects: projectsReducer,
可以在每個 reducer slice
的檔案中增加 selector,幫助我們選擇特定的 state
// Selector
export const getUnresolvedBugs = (state) =>
state.entities.bugs.filter((bug) => !bug.resolved);
利用套件 reselect
可以讓我們將 output 儲存起來,如果下一次 input 沒有變動的話,就使用上一次儲存的結果回傳
import { createSelector } from "reselect";
// Memoization
// when the input not change, use the output from the cache (do not recalculate)
// here we use "reselect" (npm install reselect)
export const getUnresolvedBugs = createSelector(
(state) => state.entities.bugs, // output of this function will pass to the next function
(bugs) => bugs.filter((bug) => !bugs.resolved) // if the parameter "bugs" do not change, the bug filter won't execute, will use the result from the cache
middleware 是我們從 dispatch 到 root reducer 的過程中所添加的程式
使用 currying
表示接收三個參數 ( store
, next
, action
) 的函數
// next: next is the reference to the "next middleware function",
// if this's the only middleware function we have, next is going
// to be the reducer that is going to handle this action
const logger = (store) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log("store", store);
console.log("next", next);
console.log("action", action);
export default logger;
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
+ import logger from "./middleware/logger";
export default function () {
return configureStore(
{ reducer,
+ middleware: [logger]
如果要在 middleware 傳入參數的話 (除了 store, next, action 的參數),在 store 前面再加一個 param,並在 createStore 中的 middleware 傳入參數
// in middleware file
const logger = (param) => (store) => (next) => (action) => {
export default logger;
// in createStore file
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import logger from "./middleware/logger";
export default function () {
return configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [logger("my param")] });
平常我們 dispatch
時,我們只能 dispatch 一個 object,而 thunk middleware
就是透過 middleware 使我們達成 **”不僅可以 dispatch object,還可以 dispatch 一個 function”**。通常來說我們在製作一個 thunk middleware 時會需要傳 2 個參數,分別是 store
以及 getState
,底下為自製一個 thunk middleware:
// middleware/func.js
const func = (store) => (next) => (action) => {
// 如果 action type 是 function 的話,就執行這個 function 並傳入 dispaych 以及 getState
if (typeof action === "function") action(store.dispatch, store.getState);
// 不是 function 就繼續送往下一個 middleware
else next(action);
export default func;
製作完 thunk middleware 後,將他加入至 store 中
// store/configureStore.js
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import func from "./middleware/func";
export default function () {
return configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [func] });
除了上面自己做一個 thunk middleware,我們可以使用 redux-thun。如果我們專案是使用 redux toolkit
的話,只需要在 configureStore 中的 middleware 內加入 ...getDefaultMiddleware()
,就可以使用他們做好的 thunk middleware。
// store/configureStore.js
import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
- import func from "./middleware/func";
export default function () {
return configureStore({
- middleware: [func]
+ middleware: [...getDefaultMiddleware()],
More about thunk: 讓你的Action能作更多 — Redux-Thunk
將 middleware 結合發送 api:
) 負責統一處理 action type:// store/api.js
import { createAction } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
export const apiRequest = createAction("apiRequest"); // 送出 api request 的 action
export const apiCallSuccess = createAction("apiCallSuccess"); // request success 的 action
export const apiCallFailed = createAction("apiCallFailed"); // request failed 的 action
api dispatch
時要做的事情// store/middleware/api.js
import axios from "axios";
import * as actions from "../api";
const api = (store) => (next) => async (action) => {
// 如果送出的 action type 不是 apiRequest,那就送至下一個 middleware 並跳出
if (action.type !== actions.apiRequest.type) {
// action type 是 apiRequest,把接收到的 action payload 提取出來
const { url, method, data, onSuccess, onError } = action.payload;
// 將原 dispatch (apiRequest) 繼續送往下一個 middleware / reducer
try {
// 根據收到的 action payload,送出 request
const response = await axios.request({
baseURL: "http://localhost:9001/api",
// 如果收到的 action payload 中沒特別設定 request success 的 action type 的話,就 dispatch 預設的 success action type
// 如果有特別設定 request success 的 action type,就依內容送出 dispatch
if (onSuccess) store.dispatch({ type: onSuccess, payload: response.data });
} catch (error) {
// request 失敗時,送出預設 error dispatch
// 有特別設定 request error 的 action type,依內容送出 dispatch
if (onError) store.dispatch({ type: onError, payload: error });
export default api;
import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import toastify from "./middleware/toastify";
import api from "./middleware/api";
export default function () {
// when use configureStore, we don't need to check redux devTool extension
return configureStore({ reducer, middleware: [toastify, api] }); // 加入 api middleware
import configureStore from "./store/configureStore";
// 匯入統一接口的 api action type
import * as actions from "./store/api";
const store = configureStore();
url: "/bugs",
// 上面的程式碼拆解如下:
// store.dispatch(
// {
// type: apiRequest.type,
// payload: {
// url: "/bugs"
// }
// }
// )
( 後續程式碼還有再增加 loading 以及 cache feature,完整版直接看 src folder
內程式 )
Uni test
: test the application without its external dependencies. (fast)Integration test
: slower than uni test, but give us more confidence.End-to-end test
: the most slowest, simple break the UI will break severals end-to-end test.
npm install jest @types/jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-jest --save-dev
in root folder (cool file icon ⚡)// in babel.config.json
"presets": ["@babel/preset-env"],
"plugins": []
create tests
folder to store spec
create testname.spec.js
in test folder ( 在名稱裡面有 spec
的,通常來說是一個 test file )
在 package.json 加入:
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --config ./webpack.config.js",
+ "test": "jest"
npm run test
( npx jest --coverage
會建立 coverage 資料夾,可以打開 index.html
看哪些檔案被測試涵蓋 )
常使用到的 function:
(name, fn): 一系列的測試,像是一個 folder 名叫 name
(name, fn): 一個名叫 name
) 後面加 toBe()
, toHaveLength()
, toEqual()
, toContainEqual
等import { isEven } from "./math";
// define a group of test
describe("isEven", () => {
// define a test: it (testName, testFunction)
it("sould return true if given an even number", () => {
// Function under test (SUT)
const result = isEven(2);
it("sould return false if given an odd number", () => {
const result = isEven(1);
solitary test 測試單一檔案是否有正常運作,social test 測試多個檔案合起來有沒有正常,而這些都屬於 unit test
solitary test 可能會因為太 detail,所以一個小改動 test 就出現錯誤
solitary test demo: link
social test demo: link
Testing File 最後完成版: link
— Jan 22, 2022
Made with ❤ and at Taiwan.